Saturday 20 October 2012

Birds of Paradise

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In Papua New Guinea 100's of tribes meet at a national festival called 'Sing sings ' where the pride, honor and reputation of the tribe is upheld with the quality of their feathers. These feathers are from birds of paradise, the beautiful colours and movements are replicated by the tribes at the festival. Often the tribes will copy the birds mating dance, acknowledging a parallel between humans and animals . The headdress' are passed down through generations as a family heirloom , but must be maintained to attract attention from others at the festivals.
The colours and patterns displayed on the bodies in the image above are inspiring , most of the research and work I have experimented with has been monochrome, however things are about to change. I would like to encourage colour into my new designs , I am interested in the contrast of colours and also the painted facial hair. Although one of the models I have chosen is female I would like to make a headdress and incorporate feathers , but also curl the hair and paint it resembling the tribe above.

Examples of birds of paradise that have influenced the body paint and been killed for their feathers:
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Paradisaea rubra 

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Astrapia mayeri

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Cicinnurus magnificus

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Cicinnurus respublica
This bird of paradise reminds me of the artwork of Mondrian, the colour theme is very similiar , as well as how the black feathers perfectly separate each colour. 

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