Wednesday 16 January 2013

Catwalk shoot

This a few sketches of the styling, hair and make up that I propose to do for my final Catwalk Shoot.
I realise that this is a very full make up for a catwalk however , I have designed this to be worn for a model that does not need to change into other clothing. I feel this will look amazing as the show goes on as the fullers earth will become more textured . This will represent the history of tribes and represent their beautiful ceramics . The make will look like it is decaying in front of the audience. I am very happy with the textures that will be portrayed in this image.

This image references :
  • Mursi tribe - through the fullers earth on the face
  • Theo-mass Lexileictous  - fullers earth on the face and hair
  • Sing sing - Fullers earth on the face and hair
  • Haiti dolls - Hair braiding
  • Ceramics - Fullers earth on hair and face and hair design
  • Scarification - many tribes that I have researched

Keeping styling to a minimum as I would like the main focus to be the make up and the tribes I have referenced wear little if any clothes

Sketch if the hair which I have developed in previous posts .

Face chart for final catwalk shoot

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